

Breed: golden retriever

Description: Introducing Duke, the charming Golden Retriever puppy with a heart of gold and a wagging tail that never stops! Duke is the epitome of a friendly, outgoing, and loyal companion, making him a perfect addition to any family. His sociable nature and love for human interaction make him a natural people pleaser, always eager to shower his family with affection and love.

Training Duke is a breeze due to his intelligence and eagerness to please. Start with basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, and come, using positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise. Golden Retrievers are known for their love of learning and respond well to consistent training routines.

When it comes to health considerations, it's essential to keep Duke at a healthy weight to prevent joint issues common in the breed. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and annual check-ups with the vet are key to ensuring Duke lives a long and healthy life. Additionally, regular grooming to maintain his luscious golden coat and prevent matting is essential.

In conclusion, Duke the Golden Retriever is a lovable, intelligent, and affectionate puppy who will bring joy and laughter to your home. With proper training, care, and attention to his health needs, Duke will undoubtedly become an invaluable part of your family for years to come.

Price: $3,989.00

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